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3D Modelling Software for Beginners and Beyond
3D Modelling Software for Beginners and Beyond

3D modelling is the process of using computer-aided design software to develop a virtual mathematical representation or design of a desired object or part.

Design Collaboration with Artificial Intelligence
Design Collaboration with Artificial Intelligence

Collaboration has always been central to the design process. For most of human history, that meant collaborating with other people to find an optimal solution. 

5 Trends that will Dominate the Manufacturing industry in 2020
5 Trends that will Dominate the Manufacturing industry in 2020

Being well into the year, it’s now easier for industry experts to predict the trends that will dominate the manufacturing industry this year and beyond. To stay ahead of competitors, manufacturers must be aware, embrace change, be prepared and leverage all the important transformations that will lead their industry in the coming decade. The coming changes are set to restructure businesses and the modern society.

Generative Design and its Applications
Generative Design and its Applications

Over the course of 3.5 million years – we’ve created tools that have helped us create our world. While those tools have allowed us to do more and made more things possible, they’ve not only defined our aesthetic but also limited our imagination – until Generative Design was introduced.

What is Generative Design? (Infographic)
Generative design is the Future of Manufacturing: Learn how people and computers can co-create things that humans alone could never imagine.