What can you do to thrive in a post-COVID 19 construction industry? It is often said that COVID-19 is unprecedented. It is not the first time in recent memory that industries have been given a possibly unrecoverable blow.
What can you do to thrive in a post-COVID 19 construction industry? It is often said that COVID-19 is unprecedented. It is not the first time in recent memory that industries have been given a possibly unrecoverable blow.
When you adopt a new AEC e-learning system, you’re probably thinking of all the internal benefits first — like how it’ll make things easier for your managers and teams.
From the rapid adoption of new technologies to the changing work environment created by the COVID-19 pandemic, much has changed in the architecture industry over the past year – and that change will likely accelerate in the years to come.
Less than 20 years ago, Building Information Modelling or BIM was an upcoming trend almost no one in the AEC industry had even heard of. But today, BIM is now the cornerstone of design, engineering, and construction. As we have entered another decade, what are the up-and-coming industry trends that we should have on our radars? Let’s explore the top 3 AEC Trends to look out for in the Next Decade.
Smart technologies are well in position to go further than controlling modern conveniences to influencing a building’s spatial experience and design. From complex systems that manage climate, improve convenience and privacy to sustainability features integrated into the building’s design at the concept stage. Let’s take a look at some of the ways smart technologies are influencing the architecture of occupied spaces.
Autodesk BIM Collaborate and BIM Collaborate Pro cloud-based design and collaboration software connects architecture, engineering and construction teams on a single platform. However, there are some differences in functionality between these two offerings. Let’s get straight into our side-by-side comparison of BIM Collaborate versus the Pro version.
Enhanced workplace productivity, empowered innovation, happier employees and customers, employee retention and attracting new talent are A2K and Eagle Point’s top 5 benefits of upskilling employees which we will take a closer look at in this blog.
The background of bamboo and brief information about steel and concrete will be used as a starting point to this article. The ways which engineered and typical bamboo stems can be substituted for steel and concrete used in building systems where it endures the most load will closely be looked at.
There is new and enhanced Functionality in Revit 2021. You can now link PDF Files or Images in Views and PDFs can be linked in as a PDF link. Although PDF files were previously able to be inserted in to Views and sheets, and managed through the Manage Images icon, they can now be properly linked and managed through the Manage Links icon and dialogue box.
Six months before the pandemic started Paul Laycock, Global CEO of A2K Technologies and PhoenxPLM, SVP RIB Global Alliance Partner Management, spent a lot of time traveling across the globe meeting companies, acquiring them and building a very strong global team. Once he flew back to Australia where he resides, he felt ill and decided to self-isolate. His condition improved in a couple of days and then he received a phone call fromQueensland Health, which proved to be the starting point of an innovative idea.